(Revised 1/1/20 ML 3572)
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Any person who believes that the policies, rules, or statutes governing Adult Foster Care have been violated may file a complaint with the HCBS Case Manager, or Aging Services Division.
The Department has developed a Qualified Service Provider Complaint Protocol. As stated in the protocol, the HCBS Case Manager must be contacted for all Adult Foster Care complaints. The case manager will report the compliant to the appropriate Aging Services Division staff. The county will assist with all complaints by providing follow-up reports and prompt unannounced visits to the Adult Foster Care Facility upon request.
The Aging Services Division staff shall investigate all complaints. Findings must be reported to the HCBS Case Manager.
The Aging Services Division following consultation with the Department, HCBS Case Manager shall notify the provider and the HCBS Case Manager of the results of the investigation and any proposed action. The Aging Services Division shall review all documentation prior to being sent to the provider.